Walking a Hermit Crab on a Leash

By the Sea Shell Shop

Yes, hermit crabs are not only friendly critters and have personalities but they love to walk. They roam the shores, trees and beaches looking for a bigger shell and food. That is their entire life. If you provide several shells for them at all times and food in their cage they are happy critters. When they are happy they will perform for you, walk with you on a leash slowly and even talk to you once they know you. Taking your hermit down to the ocean waters edge on a leash gives your hermit that extra calcium from the water. They love the oceans washed sand and the feel of the salt water on their outer shell. This gives his inner shell extra protection and makes him smile.

Because hermits like to walk and are escape artists my Father invented the Hermit Leash in 1965. It is a little chain similar to a necklace with a spring ring on the end that can be attached and unattached on and off to a little jewelry cap you glue on the end of his borrowed outer shell. It does not hurt them and it does work. But mostly, with the chain hanging from their shell you can find them easily in your house when you just might forget to put Hermie away. We still make the leashes. It has become a tradition for our family so we continue to make leashes.

You can use a leash because Hermits have been known to escape during the night or while you turn away when playing with them. They will roam your house, climb your curtains and inside your furniture. If you have a leash on your hermit he will be easier to find. It does not hurt him and is removable. One hint is to always look where water is, pet bowls, hot water heaters, kitchen floor, and bath rooms. They can smell water and go right to it. They can live a month without food and water as long as the temperature is not to cold or to hot. They store extra water inside the opening of their shell for just such occasions.

The more you take your hermit out of the cage a walk him or play with him the more he will trust you and get to know you. They are nocturnal but that can be changed if you keep him awake during the day walking. So take your hermit for a walk today and make him happy.

If you can not get down to the oceans edge you can give him a weekly hermit spa bath in Araaraga Might Mineralizer. You can reuse the calcium rocks over 6 dozen times for you hermit.

Happy Walking!