Captain Morgan

History of Captain Morgan the Bloody Pirate
Henry Morgan (1635- Aug. 25, 1688) was a famous buccaneer Welshman and was considered probably on of the curliest buccaneers. With his unofficial support of England he undermined the Spanish authority in the West Indies. His daring attacks on the colonies of Spain and later Panama won him an English knighthood, even though on his return journey he deserted his followers and took off with all the booty. Because Morgan's raid on Panama took place after the peace was settled between England and Spain, he was arrested When relations deteriorated he was released and sent out again as the deputy Governor of Jamaica. Morgan was known to carry out his raids with military discipline without mercy. He lived there until his death as a respected planter. Often there are exaggerated accounts of Morgan's exploits which gave him the blood thirsty pirate name. Yet still because of his many defeats he has to be considered as the most successful buccaneer of all.


Print and Color Henry Morgan



Jamaican buccaneer of the late 1600's Henry Morgan had a infamous reputation raiding the Dutch islands and the Spanish settlements in America. Henry Morgan raided Puerto Príncipe, Portobello, the city of Maracaibo, and Panama City. He gained many riches from these raids, and later was knighted by the King of England. In 1688 Henry died in his bed a wealthy planter. In the background a Spanish galleon is pictured.